One platform, all the support

  • Get ahead of risk: We inform you and your team about relevant risks, so you can take proactive steps to avoid harm.

  • Intervene earlier: With health, medical and safety support available to your team in seconds, early intervention becomes the new normal.

  • Stop reacting, start preventing: Make harm prevention a habit among your people with our personal safety tools, self-care content and proactive notifications.

  • Incident and trauma response: Sonder makes sure your team doesn't face traumatic or distressing situations alone.

Let's connect






New Zealand


New Zealand


United Kingdom

What our customers love


Jo Cairns,

Chief People & Safety Officer, BINGO Industries

"Through their holistic service offering. Sonder provides us with an amazing opportunity to extend the care we have for our people both in the workplace and at home, ensuring that our GOgetters feel supported in every aspect of their lives,"


Ben Cividin,

People Manager, Charter Hall

"From a tech onboarding perspective it was actually very, very smooth and very easy. We're a nationally dispersed organisation. And we were actually able to launch quite seamlessly, and focus on the messaging while we're doing it, as opposed to having to focus on, and spend a heap of time on, the operational side of it.


Jodi Adams,

HR Director, Medline

"Sonder data tells us that wellness is never just one dimensional. Many cases present with two or more issues, and more than half of our employees are contacting Sonder outside of business hours."


Phil Rice,

Director, Safety & Wellbeing - TFE Hotels

"Sonder is mapped in TFE Hotel's enterprise risk management framework as a control measure against various risks in our risk profile and embedded into our serious incident response process too."


Ashleigh Bearkley,

HR and WHS Advisor, Universal Store

"With a lot of incidents, in the moment you think you're fine, and then, outside of business hours, it hits you like a ton of bricks. We make sure our people have the Sonder app, and know how to access the live chat."


Alana Rodwell,

HR Business Partner - Talent, Medline

"Sonder has helped ease manager pressure at Medline. It is another tool in their toolkit. It's not the answer to everything that they have to deal with, but it is another place for them to go for support."


Alex Barclay,

Head of HR, Design & Build / PSP

"Sonder has become a crutch for us to lean on when we are faced with challenges or are overwhelmed, Sonder allows us to help our staff in areas we are not qualified in."

Business impact delivered

Typical Sonder customer results

Typical reduction in churn
Reduction in absenteeism
Saved in lost manager time
employee utilisation

Transforming employee wellbeing

More care, more often

Support provided after hours



Use live chat



Complex cases which include 2+ underlying issues
(mental health, safety, medical)

Complex cases which include 2+ underlying issues (mental health, safety, medical)



Wouldn't have reached out without Sonder



What does a complete employee care platform look like?

The complete early intervention and employee care platform

  • Welcome

  • Medical advice from health professionals

    Our team of registered nurses can save your people sleepless nights and time wasted in waiting rooms

  • Chat to our specialist care team 24/7

    Whether your team's worries strike at 2pm or 2am, we'll answer their chat or call in 10 seconds or less - every time

  • One-touch, personal safety tools

    From smart alerts to self-managed safety tools, we'll keep your people safe when they're on-the-go or working alone

  • In-person critical incident support

    Our nationwide team of responders can be on the scene in most metro areas in 30 mins and rural locations within 2 hours*

Want to learn more?

Frequently asked questions