Manager Stress: How Managers Are Coping With Employee Burnout

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Managers are dealing with a lot. They're often on the hook for deadlines, targets, budgets, stakeholder management, all while managing the wellbeing of their teams and employee burnout.

According to the data, UK managers are struggling, and while staff turnover is disruptive, manager turnover poses even bigger business risks. As an organisation, losing a manager can mean a loss of internal knowledge, a spike in hiring costs and even the ripple effect of more resignations within a team.

So, what can your company do to combat rising managerial pressure? In this blog we assess the state of play for manager stress, the business impacts of not taking action and how Sonder is making managing a team more manageable.

The state of play for manager stress

Managers and leaders are regularly expected to go above and beyond in today's workplaces. However, when it comes to manager stress, many are struggling to cope. More than a third of UK managers (33%) report feeling out of their depth when it comes to supporting their team through mental health challenges.

This research by Mental Health First Aid England (MHFA) reveals nearly three-quarters (74%) of managers are concerned about their team's mental health in response to rising cost-of-living pressures.

Employee burnout is on the rise too, with staff facing more challenges inside and outside the workplace than ever before. According to Mental Health UK's Burnout Report 2024, 91% of UK adults have experienced high or extreme levels of pressure and stress in the past 12 months.

Some of the key challenges leading to employee burnout according to this report include:

  • Work arrangements: 30% of UK workers say that being mandated to work in an office has caused significant stress.
  • Job security: 40% of UK workers are concerned about redundancy, naming this as a key factor leading to burnout.
  • Sleep: 64% of UK workers named poor sleep as a contributing factor for burnout.

With many employees seeking support from their leaders, its managers can shoulder the biggest burden. Nearly half (49%) of UK workers say their employer doesn't have a plan in place to prevent burnout, including a lack of support for managers and leaders.

Why are managers becoming accidental counsellors for their teams?

Without the right support and tools in place, managers are regularly stepping outside of their role's remit in order to support their teams.

So, what's behind this expectation for managers to take on counselling responsibilities at work? It boils down to three key factors:

  • Limited access to wellbeing resources: In some cases, companies aren't providing the right external support to allow employees to take care of their mental health wellbeing at work.
  • Lack of awareness of what resources are available: In other cases, employees are aware of the support available to them or who to reach out to for help.
  • Seeking out a trusted ally at work: In either case, managers tend to be the first port of call when a direct report is facing mental health or wellbeing challenges. That's because employees have often cultivated a closer personal relationship with their manager and may feel more comfortable bringing up these concerns during regular 1:1 meetings with leaders.

"Often, when you've got a really lean management team, they tend to overextend an area beyond their expertise, and employees don't get qualified care to address the challenges in a practical way. When those managers go above and beyond too often, it causes tension, stress and undue pressure. This can really compromise the operational outcomes for the company at large."

Taryn Quarmby, Account Executive, Sonder

For managers, their performance is often measured by the performance of their team. If a manager is struggling to cope, this can have flow on effects across entire departments and the organisation as a whole.

Without the right support structures in places, leaders can feel pressured to take it upon themselves to figure out how to support their employees-even if they have no formal training to draw on.

The business impact of ignoring managerial pressure

At an individual level, manager stress can have significant negative impacts. But turning a blind eye to managerial pressure can have business-wide impacts, impacting everything from productivity to staff retention and employee turnover rates.

Close to one third of UK workers have been prompted to quit their job due to bad management. So if a company avoids dealing with the root causes of manager stress, there can be serious consequences:

  • Increased staff turnover: Bad management is one of the key reasons why employees leave a company. For many employees, dealing with a boss who is overworked and not coping in their role can lead to job dissatisfaction, particularly if it's left unaddressed for a long period of time.
  • Poor employee morale: High rates of turnover can force remaining team members to pick up the slack in the interim. The more overwhelmed and overworked a team is, the lower an organisation's employee engagement score is likely to be.
  • High costs of manager turnover: Losing a leader is even more disruptive than a regular employee, leading to a further drop in team morale and low employee engagement.
  • Rise in risks associated with new staff: The recruitment process brings additional costs (from running interviews to conducting reference checks and onboarding new hires). Even once a new starter joins, businesses are exposed to additional risks (such as new safety risks in skills-based industries and a loss of internal knowledge and client relationships for knowledge-based industries).

But this doesn't have to be the case. By addressing the causes of manager pressure head-on companies have a unique opportunity to lower staff turnover, boost team morale and increase productivity-all while helping team members at every level bring their best self to work.

"Line managers are not mental health experts."

Dr Jamie Phillips, Medical Director, Sonder

The Sonder Impact: How we're making managing more manageable

Managers and people leaders do have a duty to foster psychological safety within their teams. But, they shouldn't be expected to play the role of a psychologist for your employees.

In fact, nearly a third (29%) of UK managers believe more support and training from their employer would allow them to foster a team culture where everyone could bring their best self to work.

It's why digital care platforms, like Sonder, are designed to empower your people to actively take control of their wellbeing so they can live well and perform at their best.


Sonder's proactive care platform gives leaders the tools they need to support your team-and here's how:

  • Self-serve, scalable support: We put care in the palm of your team's hands. Our app's extensive resource library offers easy-to-digest content, allowing your managers to refer employees to articles, assessments and even meditation recordings to empower individuals to take care of their own wellbeing.
  • Access to immediate expert help: If a team member approaches their manager with a specific issue, leaders can refer their teams to Sonder for immediate assistance across mental health, medical and safety support. Managers themselves can also get in touch with Sonder for advice on how to handle tough conversations and sensitive topics with their staff.
  • Critical incident support on speed dial: If something happens on-site or in-store, our responders will make an in-person visit to deliver psychological first aid and ensure workers feel safe-taking pressure off managers who may be in need of support, too.
  • Timely welfare checks: If a manager has concerns about the safety of an employee, Sonder can conduct a welfare check on their behalf. Depending on the severity and circumstances, this could involve a phone call or in-app check-in through to in-person check-ins.

"When one of my team members was experiencing a crisis I was able to get support for myself to assist the team member within an hour of learning about the circumstances. By the end of the day, the team member had scheduled appointments for professional help. Incredible!"

Member Quote - Manager

Sonder supports managers to get back to doing what they do best. With practical resources, on-demand support and in-person care available 24/7 via the Sonder app, managers and employees can access expert help in seconds.

Not only does this drastically reduce the amount of management time lost, but businesses can gain insights into which leaders are struggling. From there, companies can make proactive decisions about how to better support managers with training or operational changes.

"Sonder has helped ease manager pressure at Medline. It is another tool in their toolkit. It's not the answer to everything that they have to deal with, but it is another place for them to go for support."

Alana Rodwell, HR Business Partner - Talent, Medline

Across all industries, companies are seeing huge reductions in staff turnover since implementing Sonder among their teams. It's a powerful testament to the power and positive impact of taking a proactive, holistic approach to employee care.


Ready to foster engaged, resilient teams?

Experience a modern approach to employee care. Get in touch with Sonder today to discover how our platform can benefit your organisation.

About Sonder

Sonder is a technology company that helps organisations improve the wellbeing of their people so they perform at their best. Our mobile app provides immediate, 24/7 support from a team of safety, medical, and mental health professionals - plus onsite help for time-sensitive scenarios. Sonder clinicians hold certifications across the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. This puts us alongside leading hospitals and healthcare institutions around the world.

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Sonder is reimagining health, safety and wellbeing support. Sonder proves human centric care leads to earlier intervention. Sonder impacts one person at a time to drive meaningful change across an organisation. Sonder understands people and how to support them.

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