Case studies

Mar 7, 2024

Alchemy School launches 24/7 support for their teachers and staff

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Teachers, while extremely resilient, can face high emotional demands. Those at Alchemy School teach students with significant barriers to learning, many of whom distrust the adult world and education system.


While some of their students can’t access mainstream education, the ethos at this specialist, independent school is to encourage achievement in education regardless of capability and history. They believe every student has a right to feel safe, happy and healthy.


While supporting students is key, Alchemy School also understands the importance of supporting teachers and staff. The school’s Outreach Team regularly undertakes student home visits, so the school must ensure their safety and welfare at all times.


To ensure the best quality of education for their students, Alchemy School needed a solution that could provide their teachers with round-the-clock mental health and safety support. So in 2024, Alchemy School partnered with Sonder.

Safety, medical and mental health

With Sonder, Alchemy School’s senior team has peace of mind, knowing that all of their staff can reach experts when they need them. Announcing the partnership, Alchemy Schools’ Finance Director, Paul Bowles said: “We saw a unique opportunity to provide our employees with 24/7 confidential support that they can access on their terms across safety, medical and mental health.”

Through the app, via chat or a phone call, they can access support whatever their wellbeing needs. Whether it’s on-the-spot answers to medical or mental health queries, reading wellbeing resources, or simply making use of Sonder’s assessments, tools and notifications to help keep their healthy habits on track.

This support also extends to personal safety, a high priority for the school’s Outreach Team. Employees have access to safety tools like Check On Me and Track My Journey, ensuring they can stay safe even when travelling and working alone. Plus the Sonder Responder network, who can provide rapid support to the workplace in the event of a critical incident.

Extending the support

With Sonder, Alchemy School has been able to extend employee care both in the workplace and at home. Through Sonder’s family access, staff’s families can make use of the same support and resources. A feature that ensures their people feel supported in every aspect of their lives.

"Teachers and staff give their all and deserve as much support as they themselves tirelessly provide. Sonder's commitment to bolstering the team at Alchemy Schools will ensure that they are able to fulfil their mission: providing innovative education for the needs of today's world."

About Sonder

Sonder is a technology company that helps organisations improve the wellbeing of their people so they perform at their best. Our mobile app provides immediate, 24/7 support from a team of safety, medical, and mental health professionals – plus onsite help for time-sensitive scenarios. Accredited by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS), our platform gives leaders the insights they need to act on tomorrow’s wellbeing challenges today.

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