There are several ways our team can offer support to employees impacted by critical incidents.
The first is a pre-planned deployment, which is delivered around 24 hours after an incident has occurred. Typically, this support is delivered in the workplace environment, giving members an organised, coordinated level of support after they’ve had time to digest an incident (such as learning of the death of an employee member).
The second is an immediate, in-person response that is delivered rapidly at the time of an incident.
For example, an employee might be using Sonder’s Track My Journey safety feature while travelling at night for work. If the member doesn’t confirm they’ve arrived safely at their hotel room, a first responder may be deployed to their last known location with the aim of confirming their safety.
At Sonder, we know that every situation is different. Our Triage Care Protocol also helps to assess a critical incident across three pillars of health (safety, medical and mental health) as well as five tiers of severity. This helps to assign the right care specialist to each case, ensuring the in-person deployment of responders is used effectively.
Regardless of what deployment takes place, our network of responders ensures support is available after the incident through follow-ups and welfare checks.