

Wellbeing resource hub
Image UI of wellbeing resources from Sonder library
Image description: Image UI of wellbeing resources from Sonder library

Self-help resources for holistic health

Holistic triage
An infographic of Sonder customer triage
Image description: An infographic of Sonder customer triage

Tailored support that considers the whole person

Medical support
Image of GP telehealth
Image description: Image of GP telehealth

Comprehensive medical support anytime, anywhere

Mental health support
Infographic of Sonder mental health support pathways
Image description: Infographic of Sonder mental health support pathways

Personalised and confidential mental health support

Critical incident and trauma support
Image of critical incident management support pathways Sonder provides
Image description: Image of critical incident management support pathways Sonder provides

Evidence-based response to critical incidents

Personal safety support
Image description: safetysupport-checkonme

Proactive tools and real-time assistance

How it works

The Sonder app
Image of Sonder app home screen and wellbeing assesssment
Image description: Image of Sonder app home screen and wellbeing assesssment

The everything app for your people's health, safety, and wellbeing

The support centre
Image description: New-level-of-support-image–1536×1024

Tour the support centre and meet the team

Data and insights
Image (57)
Image description: Image (57)

See what's really going on with your people

Beyond the platform
Professionals listening to a discussion in an office
Image description: Professionals listening to a discussion in an office

An overview of how Sonder provides complete care across medical, safety and mental health, from the people behind the platform.