Psychosocial workforce report

How can psychosocial hazards impact employee wellbeing?

This report explores psychosocial hazards in Australian workplaces, using insights from a 2,000-employee survey to reveal:

  • How psychosocial hazards can impact employee wellbeing
  • Survey insights on psychosocial safety's impact on both people and your business
  • Strategic tips for psychosocial hazard mitigation and support
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What's inside the report?

Insight 1Poor leadership has the largest impact on employee work performance
Insight 2A lack of workplace support means employee needs are not being met
Insight 3Employees report lower wellbeing amid psychosocial hazards
Insight 4Workplace aggression persists from customers, colleagues, and leaders
Insight 5Post-incident support for employees following workplace aggression is decreasing
Insight 6External psychosocial hazards can impact workplace performance indirectly
Insight 7Employee expectations are high but views on wellbeing programs are low

Plus, action planning to address psychosocial hazards, and tips to help you:

  • Review psychosocial hazards
  • Determine the level of risk
  • Identify and resolve gaps in key controls
  • Create a plan for ongoing evaluation
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